Surgeons warn of risks associated with cosmetic surgery

Surgeons warn of risks associated with cosmetic surgery

Reports today of a patient being taken to hospital in Sydney after complications from a cosmetic surgery procedure serves as a reminder that cosmetic surgery is serious surgery with risks involved.

“Our concern at this time is for the well-being of the patient and we won’t comment on the details of this specific case today as we don’t know the circumstances,” said Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) President, Associate Professor Hugh Bartholomeusz OAM RFD.

“We can only reiterate that cosmetic surgery is not trivial surgery. Anaesthesia and surgery carries risks and it is vitally important that all surgeries, including all cosmetic procedures, are carried out, not just by appropriately qualified surgeons, but also in properly accredited facilities with an anaesthetist present,” said Associate Professor Bartholomeusz.

The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeon’s number one priority is patient safety and it is for that reason we have been, over many years, calling for nationally-consistent regulations over cosmetic surgery that help provide protection for patients.

The Society recently made a submission to the Australian Medical Board’s consultation on cosmetic surgery in which it called for a 14 day cooling off period ahead of any cosmetic procedure; ensuring that all medical staff involved with cosmetic surgery are appropriately credentialed; strict regulations around the use of anaesthetic and for licensing and accreditation of facilities where cosmetic surgery is performed.

Media enquiries: Sandra Renowden 0403 823 218 or email

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