Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Course
Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Course
2-4 October 2025
The 6th Craniomaxillofacial (CMF) Surgery Course is proudly presented by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and endorsed by the Australian & New Zealand Society of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons.
Held across 3 days from 2nd – 4th October 2025 at the QT Hotel and adjoining Rydges Lakeland Resort Queenstown.
Course Faculty
The Course faculty are senior clinicians with special interests in craniomaxillofacial surgery and registrar training. We know that trainee exposure to CMF surgery varies between units. Therefore the CMF Course aims to develop interest in this area, providing trainees with comprehensive teaching of the curriculum. The course provides an excellent grounding for registrars, and is invaluable when preparing for the fellowship exam. The course is content heavy, but the faculty will welcome attendees to engage with them to maximise their learning.
Topics Covered
Topics covered include craniofacial growth and development, cleft lip and palate, cephalometry and orthognathic surgery, paediatric craniofacial surgery, and craniomaxillofacial trauma along with dental and bone tumours and cysts. Each attendee will be given a comprehensive book of notes at the end of the course, and an opportunity to sit a practice exam
The Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Course is strictly not-for-profit. The registration fee covers the cost of the venue, catering, course workbook printing and the faculty’s travel, meals and accommodation. The faculty provides their time and expertise pro bono.
Register early to avoid disapointment
Numbers are very limited for CMF Queenstown 2025 so we urge attendees to register soon and secure your spot. If oversubscribed, priority for registration will be given to accredited trainees of the Australian and New Zealand Plastic Surgery training programs and international medical graduates who have registered to sit the Plastic and Reconstructive Fellowship exam. Unaccredited registrars, residents and overseas-trained fellows interested in this specialty are welcome to attend if numbers allow.
We also welcome the support of our industry partners and look forward to your participation in this important educational event in 2025.

Thursday 2 October 2025 - Saturday 4 October, 2025
Queenstown, New Zealand
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