Dr Heather Cleland
- AJOPS – Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery
- APRSRN – Australasian Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research Network
- APRSRN Member Research Profiles
- Assoc Prof Jonathan Stretch
- Assoc Prof Mark Gianoutsos
- Assoc Prof Richard Lewandowski
- Assoc Prof Sydney Ch’ng
- Associate Professor Nicola Dean
- Dr Heather Cleland
- Dr Michael Wagels
- Dr Ramin Shayan
- Dr Stephen Goldie
- Mr Michael Findlay
- Prof Anand Deva
- Prof Anthony Penington
- Prof David Hunter-Smith
- Prof Mark Ashton
- Prof Rodney Cooter
- Prof Swee Tan (Nzom)
- Prof Warren Rozen
- Prof Wayne Morrison
- Winthrop Prof Fiona Wood (AM)
- Combined Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery PhD/FRACS Program
- Research Participation
- Research Reports – National
- Research Tips
Dr Heather Cleland
Research Biography
Visiting Plastic Surgeon and Head, Adult Burns Service, The Alfred, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Central and Eastern Clinical School, Monash University
Heather Cleland is a Plastic Surgeon and currently Head of the Victorian Adult Burns Unit at The Alfred.
She is a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the Australian and New Zealand Burn Association, of which she is a Past President and current board member. She chairs the Board Burns Quality Improvement Program Committee, and is Chair of the Steering Committee of the Burns Registry of Australia and New Zealand.
She is a member various committees and organizations, including the Court of Examiners of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Plastic Surgery), the Australasian Foundation for Plastic Surgery’s Education Committee, and the Donor Tissue Bank Committee of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.
She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries (Burns), a reviewer for several international surgical journals, a supervisor for higher degree students, and has published over 100 articles in peer reviewed journals.
For more information, see Heather’s Orcid Profile
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