About ASPS
Past Office-Bearers
Past Office-Bearers
1970-1973 | Edward Gibson |
1973-1975 | George Gunter |
1975-1978 | Frank Ham |
1978-1980 | Richard Rieger |
1980-1981 | Bruce Taylor |
1981-1983 | Peter Brown |
1983-1985 | Trevor Harris |
1985-1987 | Philip Thompson |
1987-1989 | Cholm Williams |
1989-1991 | Harry Hansen-Knarhoi |
1991-1993 | John Anstee |
1993-1995 | Ian McDougall |
1995-1997 | Randell Sach |
1997-2000 | Richard Barnett |
2000-2002 | Keith Mutimer |
2002-2004 | Alfred Lewis |
2004-2005 | Norman Olbourne |
2005-2007 | William Cockburn |
2007-2009 | Howard Webster |
2009-2011 | Peter Callan |
2011-2013 | Rodney Cooter |
2013-2014 | Geoffrey Lyons |
2014-2015 | Tony Kane |
2015-2016 | Hugh Bartholomeusz |
2016-2017 | James Savundra |
2017-2019 | Mark Ashton |
2019-2020 | Gazi Hussain |
2020-2022 | Daniel Kennedy |
2022-2024 | Nicola Dean |
Vice Presidents
1970-1973 | George Gunter |
1970-1973 | J Bremner |
1973-1975 | Frank Ham |
1974-1978 | Richard Rieger |
1975-1976 | Benjamin Cohney |
1976-1978 | Peter Brown |
1978-1980 | Bruce Taylor |
1980-1981 | Peter Brown |
1981-1983 | Trevor Harris |
1983-1985 | Philip Thompson |
1985-1987 | Cholm Williams |
1987-1989 | Harry Hansen-Knarhoi |
1989-1991 | John Anstee |
1991-1993 | Ian McDougall |
1993-1995 | Randell Sach |
1995-1996 | Cholm Williams |
1996-1997 | Richard Barnett |
1997-1998 | David Robinson |
1998-1999 | Andrew Jenkins |
1998-2000 | Keith Mutimer |
1999-2001 | Robert Fitzpatrick |
2000-2005 | William Cockburn |
2001-2004 | Norman Olbourne |
2004-2005 | Alfred Lewis |
2005-2009 | Christopher Allen |
2009-2011 | Garry Buckland |
2011-2013 | Geoffrey Lyons |
2013-2014 | Tony Kane |
2014-2015 | Hugh Bartholomeusz |
2015-2016 | James Savundra |
2016-2019 | Gazi Hussain |
2019-2020 | Dan Kennedy |
2021-2022 | Nicola Dean |
2022-2024 | David Morgan |
Honorary Treasurers
1978-1981 | Trevor Harris |
1981-1984 | Keith Doddridge |
1984-1989 | John Anstee |
1989-1993 | Randell Sach |
1993-1998 | Robert Fitzpatrick |
1998-2002 | Norman Olbourne |
2002-2004 | Howard Webster |
2004-2009 | Peter Callan |
2009-2013 | Geoffrey Lyons |
2013-2015 | Heather Cleland |
2015-2016 | Mark Ashton |
2016-2018 | Mark Lee |
2018-2019 | Dan Kennedy |
2019-2021 | Gill Farrell |
2021-2022 | David Morgan |
2022-2024 | Brigid Corrigan |
Honorary Secretaries
1970-1976 | Peter Brown |
1976-1978 | Owen Cole |
1978-1980 | Barrie Milroy |
1980-1984 | Harry Hansen-Knarhoi |
1984-1985 | Keith Doddridge |
1985-1991 | Ian McDougall |
1991-1995 | Michael Lanigan |
1995-1998 | Keith Mutimer |
1998-1999 | Sean Hamilton |
1999-2002 | Alfred Lewis |
2002-2005 | Christopher Allen |
2006-2009 | Garry Buckland |
2009-2013 | Tony Kane |
2013-2014 | Garry Buckland |
2014-2015 | James Savundra |
2015-2016 | Gazi Hussain |
2016-2018 | Dan Kennedy |
2018-2020 | Nicola Dean |
2020-2021 | Kim Taylor |
2021-2022 | Matthew Peters |
2022-2024 | Mikko Larsen |
1970-1971 | Benjamin Cohney |
1970-1973 | Kenneth Brown |
1970-1980 | Richard Rieger |
1970-1998 | Frank Ham |
1972-1973 | Barrie Milroy |
1973-1976 | Benjamin Cohney |
1973-1981 | Bruce Taylor |
1973-1987 | Trevor Harris |
1974-1980 | John Hanrahan |
1975-1980 | Owen Cole |
1976-1980 | Barrie Milroy |
1978-1979 | Cholm Williams |
1978-1983 | Peter Brown |
1979-1992 | Harry Hansen-Knarhoi |
1980-1985 | Keith Doddridge |
1981-1987 | Philip Thompson |
1981-1996 | Cholm Williams |
1981-1996 | John Anstee |
1983-1996 | Ian McDougall |
1985-1998 | Randell Sach |
1988-1994 | Michael McGlynn |
1988-1995 | Michael Lanigan |
1992-1901 | Robert Fitzpatrick |
1994-1999 | Russell Aldred |
1995-2003 | Gwyn Morgan |
1996-1998 | David Robinson |
1996-2001 | Richard Barnett |
1996-2003 | Keith Mutimer |
1998-2001 | Sean Hamilton |
1998-1999 | Andrew Jenkins |
1998-2006 | Norman Olbourne |
1999-2006 | Alfred Lewis |
1999-2007 | William Cockburn |
2001-2003 | Jonathon Stretch |
2001-2009 | Christopher Allen |
2001-2009 | Howard Webster |
2003-2011 | Peter Callan |
2003-2005 | Philip Griffin |
2003-2006 | Megan Hassall |
2005-2006 | Christopher Edwards |
2005-2013 | Rodney Cooter |
2006-2014 | Garry Buckland |
2006-2014 | Geoffrey Lyons |
2007-2015 | Tony Kane |
2007-2007 | John Flood |
2007-2016 | Hugh Bartholomeusz |
2009-2015 | Heather Cleland |
2009-2017 | James Savundra |
2011-2015 | Richard Bloom |
2013-2018 | Mark Lee |
2014-2019 | Mark Ashton |
2014-2020 | Gazi Hussain |
2015-2017 | Broughton Snell |
2015-2019 | Charles Cope |
2015-2022 | Daniel Kennedy |
2016-2022 | Gillian Farrell |
2017-2018 | Catherine Boorer |
2017-2018 | Cameron Mackay |
2017-2022 | Kim Taylor |
2018-2021 | Simon Thomson |
2018-2019 | Pouria Moradi |
2018-2022 | Quan Ngo |
2019-2021 | Thomas Lam |
2020-2022 | Matthew Peters |
2021-2023 | Mark Gianoutsos |
2022-2024 | Darren Molony |
2022-2024 | Mark Moore |
Ex-officio and Co-opted Councillors
College Council Representatives – Ex-officio Members
1998-2001 | Randell Sach |
2001-2003 | Richard Barnett |
2004-2012 | Keith Mutimer |
College Specialty Election Council Representative – Ex-officio Members
2012-2016 | David Theile |
2017-2020 | Geoffrey Lyons |
Chairman of the Board of PRS – Ex-officio Members
1997-2000 | James Katsaros |
1999-2003 | Gregory McDermant |
2004-2005 | Harvey Stern |
2005-2007 | David Theile |
2007-2009 | Tim Proudman |
2009-2011 | Richard Theile |
2011-2015 | Richard Bloom |
2015-2016 | Nicholas Lotz |
2016-2020 | David Morgan |
2020-2024 | Will Blake |
ASAPS Representatives – Co-opted Members
2000-2002 | Graham Isaacs |
2002-2004 | Graeme Southwick |
2004-2006 | Christopher Edwards |
2006-2008 | Janek Januszkiewicz |
2008-2009 | Niamh Corduff |
2009-2010 | Craig Layt |
NZAPS Presidents – Ex-officio Members
2002-2005 | John De Geus |
2005-2007 | Stewart Sinclair |
2007-2009 | Colin Calcinai |
2009-2013 | Howard Klein |
2013-2014 | John de Waal |
Members of Less than 5 Years Standing – Co-opted Members
2001-2003 | Ian Holten |
2003-2005 | Juanita Ling |
2005-2007 | Richard Bloom |
2008-2009 | James Savundra |
2009-2011 | Naveen Somia |
2011-2014 | Cameron Mackay |
2021-2022 | Jaeme Zwart |
Trainee Associate Member Representing Trainees – Co-opted Members
2011-2013 | Broughton Snell |
2015-2017 | Sarah Tolerton |
2017-2018 | Matthew Starr |
2018-2022 | Shiv Chopra |
Foundation Co-opted Members
2017-2019 | Richard Barnett |
Community Representative Members
2018-2019 | Jill Rowbotham |
2020 | Lisa Montgomery |
Younger Fellows Members
2014-2015 | Cameron Mackay |
2015-2019 | Pouria Moradi |
2019-2021 | Mikko Larsen |
Other Co-opted members
2013-2015 | Rod Cooter |
2014-2015 | Geoffrey Lyons |
2014-2015 | Garry Buckland |
2015-2016 | Catherine Boorer |
2015-2016 | Gillian Farrell |
2015-2018 | Sydney Ch’ng |
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